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South Australia

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Henley Beach SA 5022

08:30 - 05:00

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Children Come and Talk




Children…come and talk provides a culturally inclusive communication assessment process for Aboriginal children and students. Information is gathered from a variety of sources and photographic material is included to support communication sampling. The assessment aims to identify Aboriginal children and students who may be at risk of not developing adequate language and literacy skills in standard Australian English, whilst acknowledging the diversity of culture and languages that these children bring to the education context.

To support the interpretation of data and accuracy of analysis, detailed information regarding Aboriginal English has been included in the resource, in addition to a speech and language observation checklist and record forms.

Children…come and talk was developed by Department for Education speech pathology, in consultation with relevant educators, communities, and advisors and includes:

  • Assessment guidelines
  • Resource papers providing background information about language and cultural issues which are relevant to assessment processes and interpretation
  • Speech and language observation checklist, and picture sequence and language sample record forms
  • 10 large (177 x 253mm) single action pictures
  • Five sets of postcard-sized sequence pictures (eg going shopping; making damper)

NOTE:  The front cover of the manual has minor discolouration.

Additional information


South Australian Dept for Education Sites, Non South Australian Dept for Education Sites
