72a Marlborough Street

Henley Beach 5022

South Australia

Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri

08:30 - 05:00

Tuesday - 08:30 - 03:00

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08.30 – 04.00


72a Marlborough Street

Henley Beach SA 5022

08:30 - 05:00

Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri

08:30 - 03:00


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Effective Questioning




This practical resource includes information about the role of questioning in education and explains the Blank, Rose and Berlin* questioning framework and the crucial aspects of assessment, simplification of questions and curriculum applications.

The book includes lesson ideas set out in clear detail for a variety of specific topics and themes. Activities are designed so questions occur in a meaningful context to enhance learning.


*Blank, M., Rose, S.A., & Berlin, L.J. (1978). The language of leaning: the preschool years, New York: Grune and Stratton.
